He received a degree in Political Science and Government from Universidad del Rosario. He has a Master of International Cooperation and Sustainable Development from Instituto de Altos Estudios Europeos.

He has 14 years of professional experience in information analysis related to public policies associated with the fight against organized crime, human rights, international humanitarian law and information management processes.

He worked at the so-called Acción Social (Social Action) and Unidad para Víctimas (Unit for Victims’ Assistance). He has worked at the Attorney General’s Office for 12 years in areas such as Unidad Nacional de Análisis y Contexto (National Unit on Analysis and Context), Dirección Nacional de Análisis y Contexto, (National Directorate on Analysis and Context), Dirección de Apoyo a la Investigación y Análisis contra la Criminalidad Organizada (Directorate to Support Investigations and Analysis on Organized Crime), and Unidad Especial de Investigación (Especial Investigation Unit).