Filing a complaint

What is a complaint?

It is the way in which a person, verbally or in writing, informs the authorities about a behavior that may be contrary to law which may or may not deserve investigation. Information such as time, manner and place of facts must be submitted. See directory of places where complaints can be filed in the whole country [Ver directorio de puntos de recepción de denuncia en todo el país].

Where to file a report

Center for Comprehensive Legal Assistance to Victims and Users (Centro de Atención Penal Integral a Víctimas (Capiv) in Spanish), Salas de Recepción de Denuncia at the Office of the Attorney General, Casas de Justicia, Unidad de Reacción Inmediata (Immediate Reaction Unit (URI) in Spanish), regardless of the place where facts took place.

What to do in case of domestic violence

Any type of physical or psychological violence that occurs within the family unit, either against a child or the elderly or other relatives, is called domestic violence. This situation can be reported by the victim, relatives or any citizen and/or institution.

Where to file a complaint about domestic violence

  • Comisaría de Familia (first contact).
  • Centro de Atención Penal Integral a Víctimas CAPIV (in the cities of Bogotá, Barranquilla, Barrancabermeja, Villavicencio and Tumaco).
  • Centro de Atención a Víctimas de Violencia Intrafamiliar (CAVIF) (32 at national level).

Salas de Recepción de Denuncias located at the so-called URI (Unidad de Reacción Inmediata) and UCP (Unidad de Conciliación Preprocesal).