Where and how to file a report

If you are a victim or you are aware of a commission of a crime, do not hesitate to report it. The Office of the Attorney General provides assistance in specialized contact centers.

How to file a report

  • In person or written
  • By the victim or a third party
  • When filing a report, please provide specific information such as time, place and description of facts

Where to file a report

  1. Salas de Recepción de Denuncia ( specific places to receive reports  )
  2. Grupos de Accion Unificada por la Libertad Personal – GAULA (Unified Action Groups for Personal Freedom)
  3. Casas de Justicia in Bogotá
  1. DIJIN and SIJIN Police Stations
  2. In case of domestic violence, Comisarías de Familia (an organism which aims to prevent, ensure, restore, compensate rights  of  members in a family where violence cases have occurred) 
  3. Centros de Atención Penal Integral a Victimas CAPIV (centers which provide Legal and Integral Assistance to victims)
  4. A  written statement  to Oficinas de Asignaciones – Office of the Attorney General
  5. Contact the Office of the Attorney General in Bogotá at numbers 5702000, and 018000919748 or 122 nationwide. Also, by filing an on-line report at the Attorney General´s Office and National Police web page.