Andrea Del Pilar Verdugo Parra, Director – Office of Legal Affairs

She received a law degree from Universidad Libre. She majored in Senior State Management at Escuela de Alto Gobierno in ESAP and she majored in Administrative Development at Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. She has a master’s degree in Democracy and Good Government from Universidad de Salamanca.

She worked at the public service for more than 15 years. It is worth mentioning her work at Secretaría General de la Unidad Administrativa Especial para la Atención y Reparación Integral a las Víctimas (UARIV) (General Secretariat of the Special Administrative Unit for Comprehensive Assistance and Reparation of Victims). In addition, she was Secretary at the so-called Secretaría de la Mujer, la Familia y la Equidad de Género (Secretary of Women, Family and Gender Equality in the department of Meta) and legal advisor to the Ministry of the Interior.

She also worked in state entities such as Secretaría Distrital de Ambiente (Secretariat of Environment), Secretaría Distrital de Seguridad (Secretariat of Security), Secretaría Distrital de Seguridad, Convivencia y Justicia (Secretariat of Security, Coexistence and Justice), the Ministry of Justice and Law, the Ministry of Mines and Energy, as well as the Ministry of Labor.

Her work experience is based on solid knowledge of jurisprudence and law, as well as her ability to provide legal advice to senior management.