Alias El Negro Cristian has more than 15 police records for crimes such as homicide, conspiracy to commit a crime, illegal possession of weapons and escape of prisoners.
The evidence presented by the Attorney General’s Office allowed a judge to sentence Claudio Alonso Maturana Hurtado, alias El Negro Cristian, leader of the criminal organization Los Caparros or Los de Abajo to 36 years and 6 months in prison. He is responsible for the crimes of homicide and illegal possession of self-defense firearms, both aggravated.
The facts took place in the urban area of the municipality of El Bagre (Antioquia) on December 14, 2012, when armed men shot a man to death. Once the crime was committed, the perpetrators jumped into the Nechí river to try to evade the control of authorities.
Minutes later, the National Police arrested the defendant and two other men who were in possession of a short-range firearm.
Maturana Hurtado had recovered his freedom since statute of limitations expired, but on September 19 he was arrested again in a hospital in Bogotá and notified about the sentence that was issued against him. The defendant was hospitalized in order to get over an attack he suffered in February 2024 in the Department of Cesar.
‘El Negro Cristian’ has more than 15 police records for aggravated homicide, aggravated conspiracy to commit crimes, illegal possession of firearms and prison escape. The defendant’s lawyer appealed the decision before the Criminal Chamber of the Superior Court of Antioquia.
Alberto Rafael Salgado and Ezequiel Alberto Martínez were convicted for the same facts and offenses.
The information contained in this press release corresponds to the narration of the objective news provided by the officials in charge of carrying out criminal investigations within the Office of the Attorney General. By the time this communication is disclosed, the legal status of the people mentioned is still pending to be resolved by the competent judicial authority, always under the presumption of innocence contemplated by Article 29 of the Political Constitution and Article 7 of Law 906 of 2004.