The Attorney General, Francisco Barbosa, also presented a positive balance about the clarification of homicides and other crimes that affect public safety in the island.

The Attorney General, Francisco Barbosa Delgado and the Deputy Attorney General Martha Janeth Mancera, the Delegate Director on Public Safety, Luisa Fernanda Obando, visited the Island of San Andrés within the framework of the strengthening plan carried out in all the Sectional Offices of the institution.

They verified all the investigative strategies that have been implemented for a year and a half. The Attorney General presented a balance of the judicial actions implemented to guarantee public safety.

“We clarified one hundred percent of femicides; we have achieved the highest rate of clarification in intentional homicides in the national territory with a 76% and this is an example of good practices of the investigative action in the national territory”, stated the Attorney General.

The clarification of domestic violence cases also increased by 24 percentage points, from 11% to 35%; and about sexual violence from 7% to 30% with the same investigative strategies that have been successfully applied in other departments such as Cesar. In addition, in relation to the crime of extortion, a clarification of 61.53% has been obtained so far this year.

“A few months ago, we announced here some actions against corruption and we took on the commitment of working on public safety issues,” emphasized the Attorney General, Barbosa Delgado.

Public safety

In his visit, the Attorney General announced conclusive results in two cases that affected the security of the island’s inhabitants:

The criminal gang La Mano de Dios received a hard blow

The Attorney General Barbosa referred to the dismantling of a gang of extortionists known as La Mano de Dios, which “was affecting the tourist and commercial sector on the island and of course all sectors that depend on the tourism, which is very important in the island of San Andrés ”.

The criminal group extorted fishermen and merchants in San Andrés for several months. The alleged people involved asked their victims up to 50 million pesos to let them work. The continuous threats were against their physical integrity and they also they claimed to attack their boats, premises and houses.

The arrested people were sent to prison thanks to the evidence presented by the Office of the Attorney General Office before the judge. These people were sent to prison by the decision of judges.

Clarification of homicide

The Office of the Attorney General clarified the murder of Alexánder Stephens Gordon, which occurred on December 23, 2020 in the sector known as La Loma del Bolivariano apparently when his motorcycle was stolen. The young victim was the son of a renowned physical education teacher from the department. Due to the calls of justice by citizenship the case was prioritized.

“This clarification is important because without testimonies and using technical evidence we achieved this result that gives peace to the island of San Andrés’ citizens. We achieved the accusation and a detention measure against the murderer”, stated the Attorney General Barbosa.

The Attorney General entity reiterated his commitment to investigate and prosecute those who commit criminal acts that affect the tranquility of the citizens.

When we speak, results follow.

The information contained in this press release corresponds to the narration of the objective news provided by the officials in charge of carrying out the criminal investigations within the Office of the Attorney General. By the time this communication is disclosed, the legal status of the people mentioned is still pending to be resolved by the competent judicial authority, always under the presumption of innocence contemplated by Article 29 of the Political Constitution and Article 7 of Law 906 of 2004.