- “The Office of the Attorney General could not plainly and simply be a channel to receive complaints and afterwards be a place to investigate those criminal complaints, but we had to do something else concerning prevention” stated Attorney General.
- The prevention campaign named ‘No se atreva’ (Don’t Dare) will be launched on November 25.
At the 3rd. International Congress of Good Practices to Eradicate Gender-based violence and Gender Identity (3er. Congreso Internacional de Buenas Prácticas para Eliminar las violencias Basadas en Género e Identidad de Género) which is carried out with the cooperation of the European Union and EuroSociAL+, the Attorney General, Francisco Barbosa Delgado, announced the strategies that the entity is developing and the tools available to strengthen the investigation and punishment of this criminal phenomenon.
The meeting, which takes place within the framework of the International Day for the Eradication of Violence against Women and in commemoration of the Day of Trans Remembrance, was the scenario for the Office of the Attorney General to present the prevention strategy ‘No se atreva’ which will be launched on November 25th, with the purpose of expanding the channels to assist women who are victims of any type of aggression and promote the investigation on behaviors that affect them, among other aspects.
“The Office of the Attorney General could not plainly and simply be a channel to receive complaints and afterwards be a place to investigate those criminal complaints, but we had to do something else concerning prevention” stated Attorney General.
Confronting gender-based violence is a priority for the institution as it was defined in the Strategic Direction 2020 – 2024. In this sense, in the last 9 months the Office of the Attorney General has achieved an increase in the clarification of femicides from 74% to 94%. In 16 Departments the average reached 100%.
The Attorney General assured that in sexual and domestic violence there has been an increase in accusations and indictments; however, he specified that it is not enough given the seriousness of these events. Therefore, there is a specific investigative strategy to focus capacities and provide an effective response to these cases.
“We will have a directive on domestic violence to speed up the implementation of justice, to use evidence produced before a trial as a mechanism, so that the investigation, the accusation, the request for a measure if needed, will not take a long time,” said the Attorney General .
Regarding the prioritization parameters, the identification of the risk will be considered, as well as the relapse of the same behavior or commission of other crimes that can increase gender-based violence. In this process, a joint work is developed with Legal Medicine and the Centers for family services (Comisarías de Familia).
On the other hand, to reinforce judicial and preventive actions, the Office of the Attorney General has made progress in the strategy of gender identity and sexual orientation by training prosecutors, assistants, and investigators to address this main theme. This year, three virtual training courses have been carried out for people who receive complaints, for legal advisors and those who work in the user assistance area.
Moreover, the work is based on the lines of investigation and analysis with a differential approach at the national level.
Finally, the Attorney General appealed to all State entities, international organizations, and the civil population to join forces from common values and not from ideologies to fight against all types of violence against women, children and teenagers as vulnerable populations.
The Office of the Attorney General makes this information public for reasons of general interest.