The Attorney General, Francisco Barbosa Delgado, introduced his first group of collaborators who, as of today will support him to carry out the nine mains points defined since he took office.

  • Gabriel Ramón Jaimes Durán, coordinator of the Delegate Unit of Prosecutor’s Offices before the Supreme Court of Justice. He holds a law degree from Universidad Santo Tomás de Aquino in Bucaramanga (Santander). He recived a master’s degree in Criminal Procedure Law from Universidad Sergio Arboleda and majored in Criminal Law at the same university.

Jaimes Durán has 25 years of experience as judicial operator in investigations and trials from municipal level to the Supreme Court of Justice.

He served as Delegate before the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice in cases of national connotation against legal and constitutional people entitled to immunity (aforados) as well as issues related to armed conflict. He was a magistrate of the State Council and served as a prosecutor at the National Office of Prosecutor’s Offices with active participation in the implementation of the Accusatory Criminal System in Colombia.

  • Carmen Torres Malaver, Director of the Public safety Office . She has worked at the Office of the Attorney General for 25 years and she has held various positions. She worked not only at the auxiliary and assistencial level but also as Director of a Sectional Office (Dirección Seccional de Fiscalías en Bogotá).

Torres Malaver earned her law degree from Universidad Libre in Socorro (Santander). She majored in Administrative and Criminal Law and she received a Master’s degree in Criminal Investigation from Escuela de Investigación Criminal- Policía Nacional among other studies.

  • Martha Janeth Mancera, Director of the Special Investigations Unit.

She received a law degree from Universidad Libre in Bogotá and a master´s degree in criminal law from Universidad Libre in Cali. She majored in constitutional law, criminalistics and forensic sciences at the same faculty.

She joined the Office of the Attorney General in 1993 and she served as a delegate prosecutor before the specialized judges, delegate prosecutor before the circuit judges, sectional director of CTI in Cali, sectional director in Valle del Cauca and director of the Support office in Investigation and Analysis against Organized Crime (Apoyo a la Investigación y Análisis contra la Criminalidad Organizada).

On December 1st  2017, she was appointed Director of the Special Investigation Unit and she was able to articulate efforts to achieve a 47% regarding clarification of crimes against former combatants and a 52% concerning clarification of violent acts against defenders of human rights.

She was awarded the Enrique Low Murtra medal in recognition of her work.

  • Marcela María Yepes Gómez, Executive Director. She received her undergraduate degree in Managerial Economics from Universidad Autónoma de Manizales and a Master´s degree in Financial Administration from Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. She majored in law for business activity (Derecho de la Empresa) at Universidad de los Andes.

She worked at the public sector as Administrative and financial Manager, Director of Physical Resources and Fiscal Monitoring (Recursos Físicos y de Vigilancia Fiscal) at the Comptroler´s Office (Contraloría General de la República).

She has worked at the Office of the Attorney General for 13 years. She joined the Office of the Attorney General on February 5, 2007 and was appointed Administrative and financial Director of the Sectional Office in Risaralda. Later, she took office as National  Director of the Administrative and financial Office for the Office of the Attorney General and Head of the Internal Control Office.