The Attorney General Luz Adriana Camargo Garzón and the director of USAID, Anu Rajaraman, held a meeting with mothers, care providers and young people from Quibdó to analyze the issue of violence in Chocó that has been mainly affecting children, adolescents and youth population for several years.

The Attorney General, Luz Adriana Camargo Garzón, created and launched in Quibdó a Special Task Force that will be in charge of investigations and prosecutions on forced disappearances and homicides that have occurred several years against children, adolescents and young people in the Department of Chocó.

Meeting in Quibdó between the Attorney General, the director of USAID Colombia, young people, mothers and other representatives of the community.

Meeting in Quibdó between the Attorney General, the director of USAID Colombia, young people, mothers and other community representatives. Initially, the working group assumed the mission of examining comprehensively and in context, some episodes of violence in which 186 children, adolescents or young people from Chocó have been victims. This work will be led by a prosecutor from the Directorate specialized in the fight against Human Rights Violations of the Delegate Office against Organized Crime, and will have the support of the Delegate Office for Territorial Security, the Directorate specialized in the fight against Criminal Organizations, the Sectional Directorate in Chocó, the Directorate for Territorial Support, judicial police teams and SAC analysts.

The creation of the Special Task Group was revealed in a meeting between the Attorney General and the director of USAID in Colombia, Anu Rajaraman, mothers, care providers and young people from Quibdó.

“The joint team involves several of our offices and starts by associating cases in active investigations, but leaving the door open to the possibility of associating all those cases connected by patterns that are identified, such as georeferencing and ages of the victims. This is not the task of just one office, but of the entire Attorney General’s Office”, said the Attorney General Luz Adriana Camargo, who also announced the reactivation of the working groups to inform and assess the progress of the investigations, to assist the victims and to collect information.

The creation of the Special Task Force was revealed in a meeting between the Attorney General, and the director of USAID in Colombia, Anu Rajaraman, with mothers, care providers and young people from Quibdó to listen to the difficulties when accessing to justice and the stigmatization of youth, as well as to analyze the increase of violence in Chocó against children, adolescents and young people in recent years in that Department.

The representatives of youth, mothers and care providers of the young people were: Juana Mosquera, Leidy Hurtado, Diana Mendoza, Ana Sánchez, Luz Meli Palacios, Jhonnyer Mosquera and Rosy Chaverra. USAID representatives were the professionals: Amalia Eraso, Cristina Barrera, Nhora Álvarez, Karina Ramírez and Giovanny Díaz. The Office of the Attorney General’s representatives were: The Delegate Director for Territorial Security, Deicy Jaramillo Rivera, the director of International Affairs, Adriana Mercado, the director Specialized in the fight against Human Rights Violations, María Milena Méndez, the sectional director in Chocó, Mayesty Mesa, and the private secretary, María Fernanda Agudelo.

The Office of the Attorney General makes this information public for reasons of general interest.


The information contained in this press release corresponds to the narration of the objective news provided by the officials in charge of carrying out criminal investigations within the Office of the Attorney General. By the time this communication is disclosed, the legal status of the people mentioned is still pending to be resolved by the competent judicial authority, always under the presumption of innocence contemplated by Article 29 of the Political Constitution and Article 7 of Law 906 of 2004.