The Attorney General, Francisco Barbosa Delgado, met with the Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Ghada Fathi Waly, to strengthen cooperation ties on issues such as human smuggling, drug trafficking, corruption, and environmental crimes, among others.
As part of this work, the Attorney General encouraged the UNODC to support the strategy to combat the scourge of human smuggling, which Colombia has been leading with other Prosecutor’s Offices and Public Ministries in the region.
Currently, the institution is carrying out four technical cooperation projects, in which
UNODC acts as an operator and which are sponsored by the United Kingdom, Norway, and the United Nations multi-donor fund. They are related to the protection of the environment and human rights.
It is fundamental for the Office of the Attorney General the legal framework of the Conventions of the United Nations against drug trafficking, organized crime, and corruption for the clarification of transnational crimes. Likewise, it considers as relevant the mutual legal assistance and extradition as key mechanisms in the fight against impunity. Through this cooperation, Colombia’s experience is shared with other countries of the region and the world in the fight against transnational crime.