This meeting was part of the itinerant clarification plan named ‘Ruta de Esclarecimiento Itinerante’, which seeks to strengthen access to justice throughout the country. In addition to prioritizing cases related to domestic and sexual violence.

Within the framework of the itinerant clarification plan in Cesar, the Attorney General, Francisco Barbosa Delgado, accompanied by the Deputy Attorney General Martha Janeth Mancera and the Delegate on Public Safety, Luisa Obando; held a meeting in the municipality of Agustín Codazzi with the group of Indigenous women Yukpa and Mujer Cafetera Agricultora to dialogue about the importance of their role in the territory.

Likewise, the Attorney General referred to the importance of addressing problems that affect them, such as sexual and domestic violence, femicide, and also the conciliation sessions.

“Currently, we have reached 97 percent of clarification of femicides in Colombia, that is, we almost 100%. Girls have to be respected, no one has the right to touch them in this country”, highlighted the Attorney General.

On the other hand, prosecutors, members of the Technical Investigative Corps (CTI), National Police, among other officials were in the municipalities of La Jagua de Ibirico and Codazzi for two days. 500 people were assisted, 120 conciliations were carried out and complaints  on different crimes were lodged.

In addition, he pointed out that there is an unswerving commitment to investigate and prosecute people who threaten the dignity, integrity and well-being of that population.

“We have established all these tasks when we have visited all the municipalities. This is a joint work to solve people´s concerns. The aim is that citizens’ complaints be solved and avoid these cases from ending up on the shelves or the drawers of the offices in Valledupar. It  also aims at reviewing each of these files and to establish criteria to provide training”, he stressed.

For its part,  the Program for Crime Prevention of the Office of the Attorney General, Futuro Colombia carried out activities aimed at strengthening the development of investigations against high-impact crimes. Prevention workshops were also carried out with this population.

“Strengthening the program Futuro Colombia is part of that entire structure that allows the State to be where it is needed. I believe that today is a very important day because we have achieved that purpose in an emblematic municipality and with the new generations. Today we are here again in Codazzi”, stressed the Attorney General Barbosa Delgado.

The itinerant group of the Office of the Attorney General will go across the national territory in order to facilitate the promotion, review, the investigative activities and the actions needed for each of the cases which are addressed in that place.

Likewise, strategies were coordinated with entities of the national territory to combat criminal acts that affect citizens the most in that area of ​​the country and to strengthen the channels of access to justice.

This is the fifth stop made by the Itinerant Group after the launching of the strategy in the department of Boyacá. The event is accompanied by Futuro Colombia, migration authorities- Migración Colombia, ICBF, Legal Medicine, National Police, National Army, Ombudsman’s Office, Governor´s Office in Boyacá, Municipal Mayors, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Ministry of Labor, municipal and rural schools.