Thanks to the institution´s investigative work, the clarification of crimes committed against human rights defenders went from 52% to 63.52%.

The Office of the Attorney General, the Office of the Inspector General, the Ombudsman’s Office, the Ministry of Defense and the Human Rights Office at the Presidency joined forces to unify the information related to crimes committed against social leaders in the country.

“I am grateful for this call to carry out and establish coordination mechanisms to be able to tell the country that the best thing that can happen is that there is a certainty in the statistics because statistics give us a degree of respectability concerning the management of these issues”, emphasized the Attorney General, Francisco Barbosa Delgado.

The President of the Republic, Iván Duque Márquez, pointed out that there will be a single analysis methodology that will have as a fundamental basis the figures that the Office of the Attorney General has, as well as its investigative capacity.

“The Office is the gateway to justice in Colombia”, said the Attorney General, Barbosa Delgado, reiterating that “work is carried out in territories, with itinerant prosecutors, investigators to break regional crime corridors, and with public force to reassure citizens in terms of justice ”.

With this joint and inter-institutional action defined at the President´s House (Casa de Nariño), a prompt and effective response will be guaranteed with respect to the different actions committed against human rights defenders. This is the Office of the Attorney General´s commitment. “This is the only institution in Colombia that can immediately assign investigators to be in territories to determine, without speculations, who is and what were the considerations of a particular crime in the country”, emphasized the Attorney General.

The prioritization and the comprehensive work have been part of the strategy defined by the Attorney General in the 2020-2024 Strategic Direction to achieve better results. This has allowed an increase from 52% to 63.52% concerning clarification of crimes committed against social leaders.

“Regarding collective murders, this administration received a level of clarification of 31%. Today we have a 72% of clarification of these collective crimes which is the result of joint work with different institutions”, specified the Attorney General.

The Office of the Attorney General yields results.