The assets valued at $30 billion are located in the departments of Valle, Cauca, Nariño and Putumayo, where the proceedings were carried out. 

In the last hours, the Office of the Attorney General with the support of the Dijín-SIU judicial police, seized 69 assets, apparently belonging to 10 alleged members of criminal groups, all of them wanted with a view to extradition by a court of the Southern District of Florida (United States) for drug trafficking offenses. 

The investigation carried out by a prosecutor’s office belonging to the Special Directorate on Assets Seizure revealed the alleged illegal origin of the assets owned by Jesús Hugo Berdugo Chávez, alias Tánatos; Gerardo Hermes Rosero, Álvaro Leonel Ordóñez García, Milton Rubiel Pinchao Prieto and Edier Apraez Hoyos, alleged members of the criminal organization under the leadership of alias Tánatos, who was arrested on January 21, 2020. 

Likewise, it was established that the assets of the criminal group, apparently headed by William Luciano Llanos Cortés, are derived from illicit resources and would be in his name, as well as Aldumar Morales Zuleta, Eduard España Marquinez, Juan Pablo Zuluaga and Luis Ever Caicedo Saavedra, who were arrested on December 10, 2019. 

The Office of the Attorney General imposed precautionary actions such as suspension of power to alienate a property and a seizure process on 35 assets, 1 commercial establishment, 17 vehicles and 16 livestock valued at COP  

The assets are located in Jamundí (Valle del Cauca); Patía, Timbío, Santander de Quilichao and Popayán (Cauca); Córdoba, Ipiales, Sandoná and Tumaco (Nariño); and Valle del Guamuez (Putumayo), areas where, according to investigations, criminal organizations of alias Tánatos and Llanos Cortés  were operating.

The Office of the Attorney General determined that both drug trafficking structures operated nationally and internationally. It was found out that they used the Pacific route to send drugs to Central America (Guatemala and Mexico) in Go Fast boats or submarines with final destination the United States and, as a result of their illicit profits, they would have acquired the properties. 

As a result of the investigation, the judicial and the international cooperation police collected enough evidence that allowed to carry out the arrest warrants with a view to extradition of the defendants, who had alleged links with Mexican cartels, including the Sinaloa Cartel. 

These results are derived from the Strategic Direction of the Attorney General, Francisco Barbosa Delgado, to tackle illegal finances that sustain criminal structures. 

The Office of the Attorney General makes this information public for reasons of general interest.