Thanks to the evidence collected by the Office of the Attorney General, through the Special Investigation Unit, significant results were achieved in clarifying crimes and attacks against human rights defenders and people in the process of reincorporation.
Initially, a court in Antioquia issued a custodial sentence of imprisonment against two men who belonged to the criminal organization responsible for the murder of a person in process of reincorporation, Rubén Darío Giraldo Montoya, which occurred in July 2019, in Campamento (Antioquia).
The defendants are Oswaldo Manuel Agudelo, alias Guaricho, an alleged leader of a residual structure of the 36th Farc front; and Javier Humberto Orrego, alias Cantina.
These two people were charged with aggravated criminal conspiracy to commit murder, forced displacement, and extortion.
Blow against criminal structure ‘Los Caparros’
In a joint operation, the Office of the Attorney General, the National Police, the Army and the Colombian Air Forces arrived at a house located in the rural settlement known as Ponciano Alto in Cáceres (Antioquia) where Evier Antonio Ortega Pastrana, alias Romaña, was hiding. He was a member of ‘Los caparros’ and was known as the trustworthy man for Emiliano Alcides Osorio, alias Caín, the ringleader of this criminal organization.
‘Romaña’ put up resistance upon the proceeding and died in a crossfire.