The Office of the Attorney General, who is aware of the risks of the overcrowding  and due to the recommendations of the health sector about the prevention of COVID19, encourages citizens to use virtual channels to lodge complaints such as the tool named ADenunciar or to contact the Office of the Attorney General, line 122. 

In this way, the Office of the Attorney General seeks to avoid massive attendance at the 98 offices intended to lodge complaints in the country (Centro de Atención de la Fiscalía CAF1Salas de Denuncias2 y Unidades de Reacción Inmediata URI3).

Citizens can report criminal acts in ADenunciar, available on the web pages of the Office of the Attorney General ( and the National Police (, as well as in the Contact Center of the Office of the Attorney General through line 122. Those criminal acts can be related to the offenses mentioned below:

  • Thefts- all the modalities.
  • Misrepresentation
  • Extortion.
  • Cybercrime.
  • Child Sexual Exploitation Material

Contact center

Toll-free numbers to lodge a complaint or receive guidance at national level:

018000919748 and line 122. In Bogotá and Cundinamarca 5702000, option 7.

You can also communicate from other countries.

  • Argentina (0800 666 0122) Landline
  • Chile (188 800 201 122) Landline
  • China (4008 427130) Landline
  • Ecuador (1800 000 118) Landline / Cell pone
  • United Arab Emirates (8000 4910079) Landline
  • Spain (900 995 727) Landline / Cell pone
  • Unites States and Puerto Rico (1888 575 3122) Landline / Cell phone
  • Japan 00531 490083 Landline / Cell phone
  • Mexico (0-1800 283 2122) Landline / Cell phone
  • Paraguay 009 800 57 20122 Landline
  • Peru (0800 56 057) Landline / Cell phone
  • Dominican Republic (1800 751 1122) Landline
  • Turkey (00800 142059122) Landline

Reports on acts of corruption, human trafficking, anonymous complaints, and domestic, sexual or gender violence can be sent to the Office of the Attorney General via e-mail. This channel works from Monday to Sunday, 24 hours a day. 

E-mails are:


1. Assistance center of the Office of the Attorney General

2. Offices to lodge Complaints

3. Reaction Units