At the request of the Attorney General’s Office, a judge imposed a prison sentence against five people who allegedly participated in the theft and kidnapping of a tourist guide in Medellín (Antioquia).

The facts took place on April 28 when the victim was contacted to accompany some Australian citizens.

When he arrived at El Poblado neighborhood in Medellín, the tour guide was picked up by a taxi in which, he was allegedly intimidated with knives and firearms to hand over his belongings and his cell phone.

Investigators established that one of the thieves apparently recorded the illegal activities and called a man known as Patron who ordered to beat the abducted man and to take his belongings off, including his identification documents.

Some minutes later, the kidnapped person was thrown from a vehicle of public service in a sector of Guayabal neighborhood.

These five people were arrested by Gaula- National Police by virtue of a court order. Three of them are women from Venezuela: Derbis David Hernández Durán, Oriana Michel Mendible Morales and Yuraima Elizabeth Estupiñán Alvarado. The other two are from Colombia: Santiago Asprilla Castro and Andrés Felipe Álvarez Carrascal, alias Patrón.

At the hearings, they did not plead guilty to simple kidnapping and aggravated theft.

In addition, the Prosecutor’s Office ordered to transfer copies so that Álvarez Carrascal could be investigated for the crime of pornography with a person under 18 years of age, since images that were found on his cell phone could implicate him in this illicit activity .

The Office of the Attorney General makes this information public for reasons of general interest.

The information contained in this press release corresponds to the narration of the objective news provided by the officials in charge of carrying out criminal investigations within the Office of the Attorney General. By the time this communication is disclosed, the legal status of the people mentioned is still pending to be resolved by the competent judicial authority, always under the presumption of innocence contemplated by Article 29 of the Political Constitution and Article 7 of Law 906 of 2004.