A judge hearing the case ordered the arrest of the defendants who had been released by order of a judge of first instance.

Due to the conclusive evidence obtained by the Office of the Attorney General, a judge in the second instance, in Tuluá (Valle del Cauca) revoked a decision of another judge and imposed a prison sentence against 17 members of the so-called ‘Primera Línea’.

These people allegedly participated in the illegal deprivation of liberty of three DIJIN officials of the National Police in violent events that occurred on May 26 of this year, in the sector known as La Y, in Bugalagrande (Valle del Cauca).

The investigations showed that the accused people attacked the officer´s integrity, poured gas on them, and later they set fire. In addition, there is evidence of acts of torture with blunt and sharp objects, as well as the theft of work weapons and other personal items.

According to the verifications, the vehicle in which the officials were transporting was attacked with homemade explosives ‘Molotov’ and incinerated. In this sense, on August 6, the Prosecutor’s Office charged them with aggravated homicide in the degree of attempt, aggravated torture, aggravated simple kidnapping, robbery and aggravated damage to someone else’s property.

At the time, the judge refrained from imposing detention measures against those people implicated. However, the judge in the second instance considered that, given the seriousness of the conduct and the conclusive evidence, the members of the ‘Primera Línea’ cannot remain free, therefore, the judge ordered their immediate arrest to be sent to prison.

CTI investigators have carried out nine of these arrests against:

  • Karina Reyes Varela, alias Flaca or Karina.
  • Jhon Deiby Castillo Murillo, alias Negro Montary.
  • Jonatan Sabogal, alias Vegeta.
  • Víctor Alfonso Tascón González, alias Calucha.
  • Cristian David Granada Sánchez, alias Calixto.
  • Miguel Ángel González Vélez, alias Care Burro.
  • Álvaro José Rojas Lamos, alias Piña.
  • Epifanio Domínguez Bolaños, alias Epifanio.
  • Jorge Luis Gordillo Coronado, alias Hormiga.

Investigative actions continue.

The Office of the Attorney General makes this information public for reasons of general interest.

When we speak, results follow.

The information contained in this press release corresponds to the narration of the objective news provided by the officials in charge of carrying out the criminal investigations within the Office of the Attorney General. By the time this communication is disclosed, the legal status of the people mentioned is still pending to be resolved by the competent judicial authority, always under the presumption of innocence contemplated by Article 29 of the Political Constitution and Article 7 of Law 906 of 2004.