The Investigative strategies for prioritization and the comprehensive assistance provided in the territories have increased the rate of clarification of femicides to about 95%.  

At the meeting XVII Conversatorio Nacional de Género de la Rama Judicial the Attorney General, Francisco Barbosa Delgado, revealed the progress that, in terms of clarification that the institution has made regarding the behaviors that affect the integrity and life of women in the country.  

“I received an Office with a femicide clarification rate of 74%, and today we have a rate close to 95% in the country, and a clearance rate of 100% in 16 Departments in the territory”, stated the Attorney General. 

This important investigative advance responds to the policies defined in the 2020-2024 Strategic Direction, in which the Office of the Attorney General prioritizes the investigation of cases against women, children, adolescents, and other historically discriminated populations. 

“I think these are important figures, since they generate mechanisms for the general and special protection against crimes which prevent this type of conduct from spreading throughout the national territory,” explained the Attorney General Barbosa Delgado.  

The assistance provided  in regard to the crimes committed against women and the holistic and comprehensive perspective implemented in the investigations since the arrival of the Attorney General, has made it possible to locate those responsible for femicides or attacks in record time, 18 or 20 days.  

“We have done this specific task of prioritizing and showing the country that it is possible to solve cases that involve violation of women’s rights, femicides, or acts affecting families or historically discriminated, in a prompt manner”, stated the Attorney General.  

The strategic direction, which is the roadmap until 2024, contemplates more training and specialization of prosecutors, and their assistants, to better understand the events in which women and the family are damaged; in such a way that victims’ protection be requested before judges or Centers for family services (Comisarías de Familia) in a prompt manner. 

“Regarding the domestic violence, we have several main concepts, but one of them is the identification of risk in all sectional offices of the country, and the prioritization in case of recidivism, and prioritization of cases in which the aggressors commit other crimes that are related to attacks or crimes that may affect families, children, adolescents or women, “said the Attorney General in his presentation.  

During 2020, more than 800 public servants of the Office of the Attorney General have been trained on issues related to all forms of gender-based violence. The training sessions will continue in order to have more response capabilities.  

“People like me, who are leading institutions and holding State positions, are not going to allow people to continue putting our women, boys, girls and adolescents; and all historically discriminated populations at risk” concluded the Attorney General. 

The Office of the Attorney General makes this information public for reasons of general interest.