The conclusive evidence presented by the Office of the Attorney General forced Ricardo Bermúdez Mena to accept liability for events that took place in 2017.
The clarification of murders against human rights defenders and community leaders is a priority for the Attorney General, Francisco Barbosa Delgado. Therefore, he leads a strategy aimed at strengthening investigations into these events, obtaining a new positive result.
Due to the conclusive evidence presented by the Office of the Attorney General, through the Special Investigation Unit, Ricardo Bermúdez Mena, head of hitmen of the Pablo José Montalvo criminal organization in Clan del Golfo, pleaded guilty to the charges of murder of the human rights defender and community leader, Manuel Ramírez Mosquera, which took place in the rural settlement La Nueva, municipality of Riosucio (Chocó) on August 17, 2017.
The investigating authority managed to arrest alias El Ciego on September 10th in the municipality of Turbo (Antioquia) and charged him with aggravated murder, aggravated criminal conspiracy, illegal possession of weapons for the exclusive use of the Armed Forces.
The investigation showed that alias El Ciego or Johnny allegedly belonged to the 57th Farc Front and he moved away from the peace process and later, he apparently, became involved with the criminal organization Clan del Golfo in Urabá Chocoano in 2016. His career started as urban and later he was appointed as head of hitmen of this organization. Therefore, he was identified as the person responsible for most of the murders committed by the Clan del Golfo in this region.