The Interim Attorney General, Fabio Espitia Garzón, the Minister of Justice, Margarita Cabello Blanco, representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Department of Justice, the Department of State, and the Office of Legal Attaché of the United States hold the meeting in Casa del Marqués de Valdehoyos in Cartagena de Indias named “Consultas en Materia de Extradición y Asistencia Legal Mutua a celebrarse entre los Estados Unidos de América y Colombia”.

It is a mechanism that aims at addressing judicial cooperation in criminal matters, at expediting procedures on extradition and legal assistance between both countries, also at sharing good practices and experiences, at holding working groups meetings and at having direct dialogue on challenges that joint work in the fight against organized transnational crime can offer.

At the meeting, issues related to criminal finances, tools to dismantle economy of organizations involved in organized crime, assets sharing and asset forfeiture will be addressed.


*Extradition and mutual legal assistance