The Deputy Attorney General, Jorge Torres Fernando Perdomo, presented generally the scope of the reform of the prosecution to be conducted in accordance with the eight decrees signed last Friday, January 10, by the President of the Republic, Juan Manuel Santos.

After a study and diagnosis of the entity, supported by the Universidad de los Andes, in which arose the strengths and weaknesses of the entity, as well as the opinions of the Group of experts and officials of different sectional´s of the country, ” concluded that there was the need to modernize and restructure the entity not only at the mission level”, but also in what has to do with the management of support to the missionary operation of the Prosecutor’s Office, an entity that is strong, that has support and legitimacy in Colombia but that needed reforms to respond to the needs posed every day the country” said the Attorney.

This reform leaves the prosecution as a suitable entity to work the crime of the 21st century. The eight decrees by which is re structure the institution are the legal support of the same and refer to the following topics: defines the organic and functional structure of the FGN to meet the needs of work and fight against the criminality of today; the decree by which defines the hierarchical order, amending the nomenclature and sets the General requirements for the FGN employments, to reorganize the entity.

Other issues include that of the decree by which modifies the plant of charges from the Prosecutor’s Office, taking into account reform staff plant will increase in a gradual process with which they aspire to reach 28.836 at the end of the period laid down for that purpose; one in which the jobs are classified and is issued the FGN special career scheme, which seeks to put in place the administrative career with clear rules; a decree by which is issued the regime of administrative situations in which the Prosecutor’s Office servers, and related entities, can be found to administer all matters relating to staff; also a decree by which modifies Decree of the bonus of the servers of the FGN, taking into account the agreements were reached in the last judicial stop. And the last issue that the decrees refer is that of the creation of the University entering replaced the school of the prosecution.

“With this upgrade we are convinced that the Attorney General’s Office may fulfill its mission in a better way. The mission of the FGN is to investigate, prosecute and bring ra trial persons who have committed a crime, is a constitutional duty of the entity, but with this series of decrees have changed the mission map, and we believe that this new organizational structure of the FGN can respond to the needs of the current fight against crime, we have a fit for fighting crime prosecution XXI century, “the deputy prosecutor Perdomo.

According to this, the official announced one by one the different directions that were created with these decrees, and emphasized some aspects:

  • The shift in what it has to do with the investigation into the FGN
  • Professional research allowing to pursue crime is living day to day.
  • The joint that will exist between the specialized prosecutors to combat corruption, human rights violation, drug trafficking and money laundering, among others.
  • The specialization of the judicial police, with the creation of the five police´s office who will accompany the CTI.